Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Lil Groundhog!

Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday Dane Rocky.
Happy Birthday to me!

Mama made cupcakes for our dessert tonight cause she loves me. I'm pretty special you know.

But she gave one to Roman and Elijah early. What's up with THAT? Geesh! Big kids are such beggers.

I tried everything to see if she'd give me one, but figured I'd just have to head out and go shopping for my own. Good thing Grammy and Papaw gave me this groovy cart!

Maaaaama, phone's for you. They say it's time for cupcakes!!

Wooooo Hooooo! It worked! She fell for it. ;)

Mm. Mm. Mm. Can't wait to sink my 2 teeth into this.

As tasty as expected. This cupcake is truly divine.

Mama, do you know how silly you look doing all those faces and sounds to get a smile outta little ole me?

Sugar's kicking in and I'm feelin' goooood!

Why didn't you warn me about the sugar crash???????? NEED! MORE!! SUGAR!!!

Focus. Focus. Must. Have. MORE.

Yeaaaaah, that's what I'm talking about!

Dude, that was pretty heavy.

Wow, this year flew by.


Ashley said...

Love it! Happy birthday big man!

Goodnight moon said...

How fun! I love his shirt! Did u make it?!? His little bunny teeth were enjoying the sugar rush. Those were cute pics!

Do u have baby fever now that he's 1? That's when mine always happened....and that's why all my kids are 2yrs apart!

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! It looks like Dane had a great birthday :)

Bonnie said...

Hey your cupcakes look AWESOME! My cakes always look pretty nasty. I usually let the kids put the sprinkles on and for some reason they both think that if you can see icing... you need more sprinkles.

Anyway, happy B-day baby Dane!

Lauren, Daniel, James and baby Brendan. said...

PLEASE tell me where you got the shirt! I must have one. Dane is just too cute for words. Those eyes are just gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

What a fun day! That little Dane is so photogenic! It's the eyes.

Happy birthday, buddy!


Anonymous said...

What a fun day! That little Dane is so photogenic! It's the eyes.

Happy birthday, buddy!


Anonymous said...
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Lil Eskimo said...

http://www.etsy.com/shop/littleoneboutique is where i got the t-shirt. it has to be handwashed. it's fused and then stitched fabric letters. yes, looks great. definitely a special shirt due to the "special handling", but i agree with you lauren, loved it when i found it!