Well, it's Wednesday! And, despite a slight diversion I'll tell you about later, I'm here and READY.
So......LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!! (Ya'll ready for this....Da Da Da Da Da Da...--this is supposed to be that sports "pump it up" music)
I'm gonna go ahead and do two because I'm really experimenting at this point. So, the rules are,
- You have to be first to correctly comment on this post ON the BLOG..facebook or email entries don't count.
- If you have second thoughts or an "Ah Ha" moment in the middle of the day, you CAN comment again.
- You don't have to get both of them right to win. We can have 2 winners this week...that's okay!
So, without further ado (I'm sure I botched that...I've never spelled ado, just said it. It sounds French, so now I'm POSITIVE I screwed up the spelling...c'est la vie).............
What is IT???? #1
What is IT????? #2
ok the first one is the return air vent, and the second one has me stumped!!
Dang! First one I agree with Lisa.
Second one, I'm going to guess garbage disposal.
I have to agree with joel on #2. disposal.
and #1, I was going to guess the blinds, but I am thinking that I am wrong. :(
1. is the air vent. duh.
2. i think it's a close up of the water heater.
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