Saturday, June 5, 2010

School's Out for the Summer!

We've had a great first day and a half of summer! Blue skies, 100 degree weather, sprinklers, popsicles, cleanly cut grass. It's all good in the neighborhood.

Wood chips on the butt cause that's how we roll.

I have a feeling this will go down as one of my fav photos. Roman decided he'd beefy up his skateboarding skills. So he put on the pads and got to work (for about 10 minutes :). Here he is taking a break. I sprinted (Don't laugh. That's not nice.) inside to grab the camera when I saw him like this.


Anonymous said...

Look at all that energy!!

Amy Jo said...

Wood chips on the butt! Love it! Have you seen those diapers that look like jeans from Huggies? I'm not sure how i feel about them, and not willing to purchase a full pack in case I detest them on my little one's bottom.