Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Standard Deviation

"There is always a possibility of deviations from the expected. Otherwise, there wouldn't be a Shaq."....a direct quote from the best pediatrician ever, ours, of course.

Dane had his 6 month appt on Monday. Drum Roll please........

The results:
20 lbs 5 oz (90%))
29 inches (off the chart)

Here are some recent pictures of our lil' tub o' lovin'.
Trying to grab the camera with his sentry, Cheesecake.

You want me to do what?!

Oh, LAUNDRY! Is that all?


Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

oh my big guy...isaak is a biggin too but he's 13 months at 23 lbs....i'm not believin ur chubby man.

Chubskulit Rose said...

I love the last pic hehehe, he is so handsome!

I am following your blog now, pls drop by sometimes..

sailor said...

He's BIG! just followed your blog. hope you can sail by my boat when you have time.

Moms On The Go said...

What a cutie!!!

Stopping by from Harriet's comment Challenge :)

Anonymous said...

Just more to love :) I miss the boys; haven't seen them in a couple weeks.