Sunday, June 28, 2009

When's the last time.....

you saw one of THESE?

I'm in LOVE. I stopped by a garage sale the other day and my boys found the absolute best summer past time.....a tire swing on a big, beautiful shade tree. Of course, I didn't have my camera to snap a picture of THEIR fun. :( But, I went back to get a picture of one of the items for a friend, and snagged the chance to snap mr. tire swing.



Bonnie said...

I remember those! You can have so much fun on that! Hours and Hours of swinging and spinning!

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

all i can think of is black stains on ur clothes. thats not UR tree....where is it? show us that tire at ur house!!

Lil Eskimo said...

it's at the house across from the garage sale i went to. i WISH the tire was at my house. our trees would beg for mercy if i hung this hefty tire on them.