Sunday, May 17, 2009

Things that make you go Hee Hee EEEEEEKK!!

Today started extra early with the rising of the wee one. 5:40 to be exact. After sucking down his early morning snack, he decided it was NOT time to return to sleepytown and I decided it was NOT time for the rest of the short people to be awake (I needed some time to wake up!), so I loaded him up and headed to Walmart (thank goodness for 24 hour stores!) to replace our vacuum that has officially bitten the dust.

Of course, by the time I get there, he's asleep, but I now I'm excited about the Hoover Nano Something or other Ernie and I found online last night, so I head on in. I take my time, get my vacuum, some yogurt, and jet on home.

It goes without saying that I open the little guy up and try him out...seems to do the job. :) Feed the kids, do some picking up, actually fix my hair, and get things ready to go to church. We're getting close to time to go when Ernie brings Roman to me and says, "He wants to know if you gave him Elijah's shirt accidentally." I answer without looking and they're still standing there, so I look up. This is what I see (only initially he didn't look so forlorn....this look resulted from his mother making him repeatedly take the same picture because she was laughing SO hard she was crying and could barely steady the camera).......

Nope, Elijah has his shirt on, but what in the world is going on with Roman's?! It's like flash back to the 80's when guys thought it was hot to show their bellies. And, I have to say his little belly is IRRESISTABLE, but this is NOT the look we're going for.

Then, Ernie turns our little smart stuff around and I see this.....

THIS is when the hysterical hyena laughter started (in fact, I'm laughing AGAIN, NOW!). I LOVE this little guy. He is so incredibly intelligent and observant, but he misses some of the most obvious tedious details. Like, unbutton the button your mom buttoned when she hung the shirt up BEFORE you put your shirt on.


Later in the day, Ernie took the boys on a sonic run and came back toting Elijah's backpack.

Here's the crazy trio posing with the pack....

And, HERE'S what's in the backpack.....

What do YOU do when you drive past a snake on the road? Duh, you turn around, pull over, and chase it down! Of course!

May you have a BIG belly laugh and unexpected fun today!


Lisa said...

the shirt part made me really laugh out loud!
the snake part made me go ughhewww and get chills!
Thanks for the entertainment!

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

i'm only laughing because it was a snake and not a tarantula. *shiver* i don't really like snakes though and if that was me i'd never touch that backpack again for fear that more snakes may smell the scent of the first one and make it their home. blah. gross. yuck....

the shirt? hillllllarious.