Friday, May 8, 2009

I'm excited. I just can't hide it!

First off, I'm so pumped that I may have FINALLY stumped you. Normally, the What is IT??? gets guessed within the first couple comments.  So, watching all these guesses has been FUN for ME!!!

So, here it is.....

A baby monitor!

Last week we finally busted it out!!  Because.....we moved Dane to HIS room to sleep in his big boy crib!!!  He has done soooooo good. So, this beautiful 1980's edition Playskool monitor has been wonderful to have.  How do we have such a nostalgic model of monitor you might wonder?

From Freecycle!!!!  What is Freecycle?  It's a website that you can offer and receive free things from people in your community. If you want to know if there is a group in YOUR area, go here!  If you have something that you can't use anymore, there might be someone out there who could use it.  For example, we had a broken weed eater in the Fall and had no idea how to fix it, so instead of throwing it away, we listed it on Freecycle and someone who has a weedeating clue, picked it up off our porch and rescued it from the grave.

We never had to have a monitor with Roman since his room was so close to ours (not to mention because for the first 7 months he was in bed WITH us), so when I was pregnant with Dane, I saw someone list the monitor on freecycle, responded with lightning speed, and here we are, enjoying every moment!

Check out the Freecycle world, you might like it!  Okay, the monitor is now telling me that Dane's talking in his crib and asking to be done with this nap thing.  Gotta go fetch him...............


Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

how in the heck does ur camera zoom so close in without getting blurrY? i need a new camera.

Ldctwin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

sneaky Dena! the flash made it look silver! LOL

Lisa said...

BTW the deleted comments are usually mine, both my kids have blog accounts and they never sign I post a comment then realize it says it's from someone that is not kids! LOL