Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Top 10, uh, I mean 7

First off, don't forget the What is IT???'s below and still waiting to be solved!

Okay, I was preparing Dane's bottle for overnight and sneaked one of the boys' laffy taffys from our Cinco de Mayo pinata and thought about candy.  I know, it's a slippery slope.

So, instead of going to bed like a good girl, I thought I'd do a quick Top 10 List of my All Time Candy Favs.  Maybe this is inspired from tonight's American Idol I watched on warp speed thanks to DVR.  Whatever the reason, drumroll please, in no particular order.....
  1. Laffy Taffy--Loved it when it was still in the cube form! My brother and I used to buy it in the St. John's hospital gift shop waiting for Dad during his weekly visitation.  We ate A LOT of laffy taffy back in the day.
  2. Gummy Cola Bottles--My gummy love started with gummy worms.  I used to ride my bike to Ben Franklin and buy them by the piece in elementary school.  The worker would actually use little tongs to get them out of the plastic tub.  But, then I found gummy cola bottles and there was no looking back!
  3. Sour anything--Patch Kids, Straws, Fruit, Tape.  If it has sprinkly sour stuff on it, I'm GAME!!  My mouth is watering just thinking of it.
  4. Jelly Bellies--My mom once got me a HUGE bag...we're talking bulk, big poundage from Sam's.  I think it may have taken me 4 days finish.  LOVE THEM!
  5. Zero Bars--When I was in early elementary school, our school made sack lunches for the last day of school every year, so instead of eating in the cafeteria, we had picnics outside.  Maybe that's why I get all nostalgic with Zero Bars.  What a great memory and a yummy taste to go with it. :)
  6. Russell Stover candy from the box--My papaw ALWAYS had a box of Russell Stovers when I was a kid (that and Certs).  He hid them under his chair in the living room. Anything from Papaw was amazing, so this fav is just a given.
  7. Hot Tamales--and some of the other Mike-n-Ike varieties.  NOTHING will make you poop like a box of Hot Tamales.  They are some serious goodness!
I am drawing a blank and I value my sleep WAY TOO MUCH at this point to strain my brain for the personal entertainment of finishing this list.  If YOU think of something you know I love, feel free to comment and remind me.  There are some of you out there who've been watching me eat candy for a couple decades, so I feel confident in your observations....what have I forgotten?!?!!

1 comment:

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

uhmm bout ANY willy wonka candy including nerds?!!? hello? okay remember how we would always eat candy at my house or on our park trips? i loved that about you! you were just as much addicted to candy as i am.