Throughout my days I notice things that make me go "Woo Hoo" and things I'm not so crazy about. So I thought I'd share some with you. After you read mine, respond to the post and tell me some of yours.
I'm gonna start with Thumbs Down, so we can end with Thumbs Up and happy smiles!

Socks all over our house. Do my children each have four feet?
Coffeemate Tiramisu Creamer. I am not a coffee drinker. I am a creamer drinker...the coffee is merely a vehicle. Lately I've been treating myself to fancy creamer and making coffee some mornings. This Tiramisu stuff is NASTY. Bad stuff. Don't buy it...go for the Italian Sweet Cream if you wanna walk on the wild side. I tried, I really did, but now I'm offering it to whoever wants it. AMama, SNeighbor,...anyone?
Builder Grade Carpet. Horrible with a capital H. Sometime before we pay off our mortgage in 14 years, we hope to replace this sad stuff. As I'm typing this, I'm thinking at least we HAVE carpet. Now I'm feeling spoiled to be listing this thumbs down. I think I'll go love on my spotty carpet now. :)
Junk Mail Days. You know the days when you get NOTHING (literally) or you get nothing worth having. Speaking of mail....I owe some of you your What is It? prizes. I WILL get those to you BEFORE we pay off the house!

Cold Fried Chicken. I don't know why. Just hit me the right way this week. Hmmm...maybe that's why my thighs are rubbing. :)
Little Boy Bottoms. Enough said.
Strawberry Season. Love buying strawberries for $1.48. The only thing better is cherry season or blackberry season at my grandma's where I get to pick them myself!!
Ernie's grape koolaid. I am NOT a fan of koolaid, but Ernie's recently given up soda, so he's opted for koolaid instead. He's been making it for a few weeks and I finally gave it a chance. He makes a mean grape...not too sweet, a little tart and watered down....YUMMMY!
A good pair of tweezers. Now, this one is hard to score. I've only had a couple pair of tweezers in my life that I could really depend on, and I am happy to say, I have in my possession, a pair that is 99.9% dependable. Love them.
American Idol. Yes, I watch it. I also loved Star Search as a kid. You gotta problem with that?
Middle Aged Men being Chivalrous. Made a run to Albertson's the other night and had Dane in his car seat with me. A man going in the same time I did, not only told me how beautiful Dane was TWICE, but he also pulled out a cart, lifted up the seat and put it in position for me. I know, this would creep some of you out, but I just enjoyed the pampering of a well intended stranger. I imagine my dad and Papaw would do the same thing, so that makes me smile.
Magnetic Note Pads. I love lists and these are the perfect little place for all my lists. Michael's always has a great selection in the $1 bins. Get ya one!
Recycling. Just like it. Don't know why.
I just had to say a great big AMEN on the tweezers! The light haired people of the world probably don't even know how important this is! I had the best set and in a moment of insanity I used them to fix my camera lens and of course the haven't been the same since!
Oh my word, my wife *loves* cold fried chicken, too!
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