Saturday, December 27, 2008

Through the eyes of a child....

I think I've mentioned before that it takes me FOREVER (like months or even years sometimes) to decide on home decor.  And, I'm so picky that everything (minus the mirrors and a couple of candle holders) hanging on our walls are things I've made.  I love letting my creative beast free. And, honestly, I give little thought of whether others like my things or not because I LOVE all of my crazy designs. So, if my stuff makes you nauseous, I am sorry, feel free to divert your look when you pass the offense pieces. :)

So, I've long wanted a fun way to display my kids' art.  And the desire has grown by monstrous proportions since they've started school this Fall.  Our refrigerator has been begging for mercy and I've been caught more than once putting artwork in the recycle bin.  My response to being caught redhanded......"We need to recycle some of our art so "they" can make us more paper to make more art."

I had finally decided that I wanted to use picture frames in a single color to display the artwork. I had even visited Goodwill and purchased a bunch of frames.  I had EVEN primed all the frames and was working on choosing the perfect color when the ephiphany hit.

One magical morning when I had 10 minutes before I had to be back to pick up the shortest of our bunch, I went into Pier One for the first time in at least 2 years.  My normal mode of operation for entering any given store is to scan for the Clearance section.  So, that morning was no different.  When what to my wandering eyes did appear but a big shiny cart filled with unbeatable deals!  They had placemats of ALL kinds.  For cheap, like DIRT cheap.

The first ones I noticed were kind of a canvas material with different colors on each side.  And, the most distinctive thing was they each had a bamboo pole through two loops on either side of the mat.  They were 48 cents.  YES, 48 CENTS!  I didn't know what I'd use them for, but I needed them, all.  For that price, I was sure I could make something good.  I know it's crazy.....if I COULD explain the inner workings of my mind, I would. :)

On my drive to the school, I brainstormed and came up with a use. MY ARTWALL!!!!!  Hello?!?!?!?!  I liked this even better than the was beginning to take shape.  

My next stop along brainstorm row was yet ANOTHER epiphany (gotta take 'em when they come).  Recently I'd been to a friend's house who had some of those fancy smancy vinyl letter things on her walls. They looked great and she'd raved about how easy they were to install.  So, I was on the hunt.

I knew alot of vinyl products cost more than what fit in our budget or what I was willing to cough up, so I thought of, a great website with goods of all kinds sold by individuals and some businesses.  I knew they had a section that you could submit a custom request and sellers could bid on your request.  So, I did a quick search for a quote that I thought fit our Artwall and submitted an Alchemy (that special section) request.  Before nightfall, I'd received an excellent priced offer for exactly what I was requesting. Mike at Precision Engraving  walked me through the process and had my vinyl letters to me in less than a week for only $16.50 and that included shipping!!!!

The result, a wall I love, my kids love, and even Ernie's impressed! We've had it up for about a month and have already rotated the artwork.

Do you have a project you've finished or one that's been on the back burner?  I'd love to see your results!!!

Drumroll Please......View I walk up the stairs......

View #2....sitting below and looking up......


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