Wednesday, July 1, 2009

THIS is what I find when I clean!!

We got a new Craigslist dresser today, and I've once again been inspired to wrangle my room in to control. Useless, I know, but I can try.

So, as I'm cleaning stuff, stuff, and MORE stuff off our bedroom floor (embarrassing, really, you THINK I'm exaggerating. Nope. Facebook says my best trait is my honesty. So, trust me. It's crazy) I find many a CD scattered about. Of course, none of them are marked (that would be WAY too easy), so instead, I sit at the computer and put each one of them in and then MARK THEM so I don't have to do this a 4th time (pretty sure I've done this numerous times before).

Lo and behold I find some oldies but goodies! Check out the fun pics...

Elijah and Superman last year at his birthday party!

Love this one. He's in superhero heaven!

Now, for a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE blast from the past. Roman at 2! Yes, TWO! How cute is he? We've been looking back at baby pictures and think he and Dane might be the same baby minus their eyes and the IMMENSE size difference. And, in this pic, I can see Dane too.

This is Roman with Mrs. Valerie, one of his sweetest teachers. She made a big ole CD for us with lots of pictures and tonight it has been rediscovered it. SOOO glad!!

YEAH for cleaning!!


Bonnie said...

I love the superman Heaven picture. Soo cute! Your boys are adorable!

I could spend hours looking at old baby pictures of my kids. It's weird how you think they are so cute at that age that they will never be any cuter, but now they are. They just get cuter and cuter. I wonder at what age I stopped getting cuter and cuter. Hmmmm

Lil Eskimo said...


that's EXACTLY how I feel...the cuter and cuter thing. could it be that we get more and more in love?!

i'm so thankful for pictures. can you imagine living back in the day (like WAY back) when that wasn't an option? we would forget all the cuteness!!!!!!